BHAM Brain Health and Alzheimer’s Inc.

States: Florida, New York,




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Join BHAM Brian Health and Alzheimer’s Inc.




            Tips and Tools



Tips and Tools




BHAM Brain Health and Alzheimer’s Inc in the News


Strategic Partners


                        Alzheimer’s Association

                        Alzheimer’s Foundation of America









Alzheimer’s is the 6th leading cause of death in America. Alzheimer’s is the 4th leading cause of death in African Americans.

Alzheimer’s is one of American’s most devastating crisis affecting social, medical and economic factors of the nation’s history.

Alzheimer’s knows no boundaries and does not prefer any race, ethnic group, religion or any other group, and no family, business or government agency is immune from the devastation it causes. There is no cure for Alzheimer’s at this time, however we can learn to delay it with education on good habits for brain health, supportive behaviors and championing our caregivers.

BHAM asks you to commit to staying informed about what Alzheimer’s is, what it is not, and what you can do to keep your brain healthy.


Alzheimer’s Facts in America


  • Alzheimer’s is an age-related disease
  • Alzheimer’s robs people of their memories, thoughts and feelings
  • If Alzheimer’s runs in your family it does not mean you will get it
  • If Alzheimer’s does not have a history in your family, you are still at risk
  • Modifying your lifestyle habits into healthy habits may slow or even prevent the symptoms of Alzheimer’s.


Alzheimer’s Number’s in America


  • Every 65 seconds a person in the United States develops Alzheimer’s.
  • An estimated 8 million people in America are affected by Alzheimer’s
  • Approximately 20% of this estimate are African Americans
  • Alzheimer’s affects African American at a rate of 2 – 3 times more than non-Hispanic Whites
  • Alzheimer’s affects Latinos at a rate of 5 times more than non-Hispanic Whites
  • Alzheimer’s begins to develop approximately 20 – 30 years prior to the diagnosis
  • By 2060 it is estimated that 14 million Americans will be living with Alzheimer’s
  • 2/3 of all Americans with Alzheimer’s are women
  • 2/3 of Alzheimer’s caregivers are also women
  • Alzheimer’s is 100% fatal


The Economics of Alzheimer’s in America

  • Alzheimer’s is the most costly disease in America
  • Alzheimer’s in on track to bankrupt the United States
  • Unpaid caregivers provide ….hours of caregiving hours totaling $…
  • The average cost of care for a person with dementia over the last five years of their life is $366,593
  • Federal research funding for Alzheimer’s is approximately $2.8 billion annually compared to the funding used to fund research for cancer at $6 billion and HIV/AID at $3 billion
  • The expected cost of Alzheimer’s is projected to reach 1.1 trillion by 2050


Few racial and ethnic groups such as African Americans, Latinos, Asian Americans and Native Americans know about these facts until Alzheimer’s strikes. Your time to know about Alzheimer’s is now.


***Statistics reported in the Alzheimer’s Association 2020 Alzheimer’s Disease Facts and Figures Report



Prevention of Alzheimer’s disease is critical. How can we prevent Alzheimer’s disease or other age-related cognitive decline? To date, there is no definitive answer on how to minimize cognitive decline or Alzheimer’s disease in those ages 65 years and older. Over the years there has been increased evidence that healthy lifestyle choices can delay, slow and possibly prevent Alzheimer’s and other related disorders. BHAM Alzheimer’s goal is to empower those in the underserved communities who identify as Black/African American, Hispanic, Asian and other minority groups in the United States and organizations by educating them about lifestyle choices that can help or even prevent brain health issues and promote healthy minds and healthy aging.

BHAM Alzheimer’s will do this by engaging communities and convening with community leaders and experts in all areas of brain health, nutrition, sleep, physical health and exercise and caregiving. Visit our education section to learn more about how your lifestyle choices such as healthy body can contribute to a healthy brain, physical health and exercise, cognitive activity and social engagement can encourage and maintain a healthy brain and overall wellbeing.



Strategic Partners and Sponsors (Page)

Alzheimer’s Association (logo)

Emory University (logo)

Columbia University School of Medical (logo)

Shea Moisture (logo)

Hispanic Federation: Health (logo)

APIAHF – Asian & Pacific Islander American Health Forum

New York Urban League (logo)

Alzheimer’s Community Care (logo)

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (logo)

Office of Minority Health (logo)

Black Nurses Association (logo)

National Association of Black Social Workers (logo)

AETNA  Better Health (logo)

NYC Health + Hospital (logo)

Sisters from AARP (logo)

Kellogg Foundation (logo)

SAGE (logo)


These articles will go under the EDUCATION TAB


Healthy Brain (sub tab)

  • Love your brain
  • 4 Ways to delay the onset of Alzheimer’s



Alzheimer’s Disease: (sub tab)

  • What is Alzheimer’s Disease?


  • What is Dementia?


  • Difference between Alzheimer’s and Dementia


  • 24 Signs of Alzheimer’s


  • Stages of Alzheimer’s



  • How to start the conversation


  • Why get checked?


  • Visiting your doctor
  • Questions to ask your doctor
  • The diagnosis
  • The importance of a memory screening or cognitive assessment
  • Next steps









Heartfelt Benefits of Being a Caregiver


The Alzheimer’s Diagnosis



The Importance of Self Care When Caring For a Family member with Alzheimer’s


Turning Holiday Challenges into New and Positive Memories


Stigma and Alzheimer Disease: A Caregiver’s Perspective


Tips to Being a Working Alzheimer’s Caregiver


Don’t Cover up the Stigma of Alzheimer’s


Caregiving: The Sandwich Generation


Kindness and Empathy Matters when Responding to a Person with Dementia When they Forget Their Loved-one Has Died


Children Caregivers and the Support They Need


Socializing with Your Loved One Who Has Alzheimer’s


A Moment of Clarity










     (See above titles)


Care and Support

  • Find a Caregiver Support Group















Prevention of Alzheimer’s disease is critical. How can we prevent Alzheimer’s disease or other age-related cognitive decline? To date, there is no definitive answer on how to minimize cognitive decline or Alzheimer’s disease in those ages 65 years and older. Over the years there has been increased evidence that healthy lifestyle choices can delay, slow and possibly prevent Alzheimer’s and other related disorders. BHAM Alzheimer’s goal is to empower those in the underserved communities who identify as Black/African American, Hispanic, Asian and other minority groups in the United States and organizations by educating them about lifestyle choices that can help or even prevent brain health issues and promote healthy minds and healthy aging.

BHAM Alzheimer’s will do this by engaging communities and convening with community leaders and experts in all areas of brain health, nutrition, sleep, physical health and exercise and caregiving. Visit our education section to learn more about how your lifestyle choices such as healthy body can contribute to a healthy brain, physical health and exercise, cognitive activity and social engagement can encourage and maintain a healthy brain and overall wellbeing.


TIPS & TOOLS – (Sections – Articles)

Brain Food


What’s on the Menu?


Exercise and the Benefits to Your Brain


Brain Health


Dance and Movement Therapy for Individuals with Alzheimer’s


Art Therapy


Pet Therapy


The problem With Inflammatory Foods


The Alzheimer’s Diet


The dilemma with a false positive diagnosis


What is Reversable Dementia


Brain Health Tips from the Experts


The Importance Between Music and the Brain


Gut Health

What Alzheimer’s looks like


Communicating With Your Loved One Without Words

Parenting Your Parent

Don’t Ask…Remember When…?

Preparing for your Doctor’s Visit




About Alzheimer’s:

                Blacks/African Americans and Alzheimer’s ( I will add a 1 sheet page)

                Hispanics and Alzheimer’s   ( I will add a 1 sheet page)

                Asians and Alzheimer’s  ( I will add a 1 sheet page)

                Other Minorities and Alzheimer’s   ( I will add a 1 sheet page)



Healthy Body, Healthy Brain


Reboot Your Brain


Know the Warning Signs of Alzheimer’s (Early Detection Matters)


How to have the Conversation


The Diagnosis


Build Your Support Team


Alzheimer’s A – Z (Basics of Memory Loss, Alzheimer’s disease and Dementia)


Effectively Communicating with the Individual With Dementia


Planning For Elder Care


Understanding and responding to Challenging Alzheimer’s Behaviors


Legal and Financial Planning


Alzheimer’s Sexuality and Intimacy


Caregiving and Guilt


Staying Connected


Caregiving, for adult children


Preparing for Emergencies


Keeping them Safe at Home


Things You Should Never Say to A Person With Alzheimer’s


LGBTQ Caregiver Concerns



Who is going to take care of me?



            Caregiving: Early Stage

            Caregiving: Middle Stage

            Caregiving: Late Stage


Taking Care of The Caregiver


Top Caregiver Websites


End of Life Discussion





Documentary Library









